Veg Seekh Kebabs (वेज सीख कबाब)

Veg Seekh Kebabs (वेज सीख कबाब) by , Published: January 07, 2014

An energy packed Vegetarian Seekh Kebab with lots of vegetables. This is an innovative way to make your kids eat all healthy vegetables. Try out this hot Veg Seekh Kebabs this winter.

History of Seekh Kebab what I know: Seekh Kebab are traditional kebabs that originated in Afghanistan. The uniqueness of this variety lies in the method of preparation, wherein the prepared kebab mixture is pressed onto a thick metal skewer known as a seekh.

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:

Yield: Makes 8 kebabs

8-10 french beans (फनसी)
1/4 cup cabbage (पत्ता गोबी)
2 medium sized carrots (गाजर)
3/4 cup blanched, green peas (मटर)
2 tbsp oil (तेल)
2 tbsp gram flour (बेसन)
1 tsp caraway seed powder (शाही जीरा पावडर)
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste (अदरक लेहसुन की पेस्ट)
2 chopped, green chillies (हरी मीर्च)
2 medium boiled and mashed, potatoes (आलू)
1/2 cups boiled sweet corn kernels (मीठी मकय के दाने)
salt , to taste (नमक)
2 tsp chaat masala (चाट मसाला)
1 tbsp cashewnut powder (काजु पावडर)

Method :
1. Grind french beans, cabbage and carrot together in grinder. Remove excess water (if required).
2. Heat two tablespoons oil in a pan, add French beans, cabbage and carrots mixture and saute on one side of the pan.
3. Add the green peas on the other side of the pan and mash them. Mix everything and cook for three to four minutes and push the mixture on one side.
4. On the other half of the pan, roast gram flour and caraway seeds powder for two minutes.
5. Mix the vegetables and flour mixture together and add ginger-garlic paste, green chilies and mix well and saute for half a minute.
6. Take the potatoes in a bowl, add the corn, vegetable mix, salt, two teaspoons chaat masala, cashewnut powder and mix well.
7. Divide into sixteen equal portions.
8. Take a portion of this mixture and place on a satay stick (kebab sticks) and press it around the stick till it is evenly layered. Press the ends firmly.

Making Kebabs on Gas Stove:
1. Take a non-stick pan and drizzle little oil over it.
2. Shallow fry/Saute prepared kebab sticks on it.

Making Kebabs in Microwave:
1. Preheat Oven keeping Nonstick pizza plate or grill stone (if you have it) and drizzle it with little oil.
2. Place kababs on hot plate and grill them on grill mode for approximately 10-15 minutes. Take out kebabs every 5 minutes and apply little oil and turn them around.

Serve hot sprinkled with the remaining chaat masala and onion rings.

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