Fusilli Pesto Pasta Recipe (फुसिल्ली पेस्तो पास्ता रेसिपी)


Fusilli Pesto Pasta Recipe (फुसिल्ली पेस्तो पास्ता रेसिपी)
by , Published: August 21, 2016

Have been to Afzal gunj recently and bought loads of Fusilli Pasta from one of the local grocery store. You must be thinking, why I am telling this to you? This line was specifically for all my Hyderabadi readers. For those, who stay nearby to Hitech City or IT zone and great fan of Pasta. Visit any of the Grocery shop near Osmania Hospital (Afzul Gunj) and you can get any types of Pasta (macaroni, fusilli or penne) at very cheap rates.

So, now as you know why Fusilli Pasta cooked today in my kitchen. Lets get back to our recipe.

Making pesto at home is very easy and cost effective too, instead of store bought dip /sauce. Pesto was originated from genoa in the linguria region of northern italy. Traditional Pesto consist of crushed garlic, basil and european pine nuts with cheese, salt and finally blended with olive oil.

In this Pesto Sauce I am using Mint leaves along with Coriander Leaves, Cheese and garlic.

Now, since I leave in India basil leaves are not easily available. So, I changed this recipe to include Coriander Leaves and replaced Pine Nuts with Almonds. And trust me friends final result is yummy creamy textured pesto paste. You can store it for a week in Refrigerator and use it as a spread on Breads or Sandwiches.

Be innovative and use this pesto sauce in different ways and post it in comments, how did you modified this recipe to your own choice.

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:

Yield: Serves 4

2 cups boiled fusilli pasta / spring pasta (फुसेली पास्ता)
1 1/2 cup chopped fresh coriander leaves (कोथमीर / हरा धनीया)
12 pieces almonds (बादाम)
6-8 pods garlic pods (लहसुन)
2 tsp chilli flakes (सुखी लाल मिर्च)
1/2 tsp black pepper powder (काली मिर्च पावडर)
1/4 cup grated cheese (चीज)
3 tbsp olive oil (जैतून का तेल)
salt to taste, (नमक)
1 small chopped onion (प्याज)
1/4 cup square cut capsicums (शिमला मिर्च)

Method :
1. In a grinder jar put Garlic pods, almonds, chilli flakes, black pepper powder, and grind it coarsely.
2. To this, add cheese and grind one it until everything is coarse.

3. Add coriander leaves and Olive oil and grind it to a smooth paste. (you can add little Boiled Pasta water if required)
4. In a pan heat Olive oil (i added half sunflower oil to it).
5. Add chopped onions and fry until transluecent. To this, add chopped capsicums and fry for a minute.
6. Add Fusilli Pasta and Pesto paste and mix it well. Add little boild pasta water so that pesto paste coats all pasta properly.
7. Garnish this with Almond and Spring Onions Greens.

Chef's Tip: If you like tangy flavour, add 2 tsp lemon juice to pesto paste.

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