Espresso Coffee Lassi Recipe (एस्प्रेसो कॉफी लस्सी)


Espresso Coffee Lassi Recipe (एस्प्रेसो कॉफी लस्सी)
by , Published: June 25, 2016

This recipe is inspired by one of my favourite chef David Rocco. A beautiful variant of Indian Traditional Lassi

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:

Yield: Serves 4

2 cups yogurt (दही)
2 shots cold espresso (गाजर)
2 cups ice (हरे मटर)
3 tbsp sugar (करी पत्ता)
espresso grind for garnishing (अदरक)

Method :
1. Place all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth.
2. Top with espresso grinds.
3. Serve immediately.

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