How to make Sabudana Wada (साबुदाना वडा)

How to make Sabudana Wada (साबुदाना वडा)
by , Published: January 08, 2014

Sabudana wada are made from Sago, they simply melt in your mouth leaving your stomach full while you are fasting.

Myself and my family are crazy about this Sabudana Wada. While deep frying makes them non-healthier, its taste will simply make your tongue craving for it again and again.

So learn how to make Sabudana Wada with a quick and easy recipe.

Soaking Time: 2 hours
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:

Yield: Makes 16 sabudana wadas

1 1/2 cups Sago (साबुदाना)
3 medium boiled and mashed, potatoes (आलु)
1 cup coarsely ground, roasted peanuts (मुंगफली)
3 finely chopped, green chillies (हरी मीर्च)
2 tbsp fresh coriander leaves (हरा धनीया)
1 tbsp lemon juice (नीम्बु)
1 bsp sugar (चीनी)
salt , to taste (नमक)
1 inch grated ginger (अदरक)
oil (तेल)

Method :
1. Soak the sabudana, in enough water to cover it, for about two hours. Drain off excess water.
2. Mix together sabudana, mashed potatoes, ground peanuts, chopped green chillies, coriander leaves, lemon juice and salt. Mix thoroughly.
3. Divide into sixteen lemon sized balls, flatten between palms of your hands.
4. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai and deep fry wadas in hot oil till golden brown.
5. Serve hot with chutney of your choice.

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