Salted Peanuts / Khari Sing / Falli

Salted Peanuts / Khari Sing / Falli
by , Published: August 25, 2013

This all time passtime has different name in different region. Internationally we call it as Salted Peanuts, but in India it has several names. People in South part of India call it as "Falli" or some call it "Daane". But we Gujaratis call it as
"Khari Sing". Bharuch's is an Indian city which is famous for "Khari Sing" (Salted Peanuts). But I must say, you can make more tastier Salted Peanuts with more Shelf Life at home.

Prep time:
Cook time:
Marination time : 10 minutes
Total time:

Yield: Makes 125 grams

1 cup Groundnuts (सिंग दाने/मुंगफली)
1 tbsp Salt (नमक)

Method :
1.Take half cup water in a narrow microwave safe cup. (It is preferred to take narrow cup to get better results)
2. Add salt and mix well. Add groundnuts to this mixture and mix well. (Make sure groundnuts are completely deeped in water)

3. Microwave on high for 2 minutes.
4. Take out the cup and strain all water with the help of strainer.

5. Dry this salty groundnuts on a microave safe big plate for 5 minutes. (It is very much important that all groundnuts are on a same layer and there are no lumps when you dry them)

6. Microwave on high for 4 minutes stirring 3 times at 1 minute interval.
7. Once done, let salted peanuts dry for 10 to 15 minutes.
8. Salted Peanuts/Khari Sing is ready to eat.

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