Focaccia with fried onion and tomato recipe (फोकाचीया ब्रेड, प्याज और टमाटर रेसिपी)

Focaccia with fried onion and tomato recipe (फोकाचीया ब्रेड, प्याज और टमाटर रेसिपी)
by , Published: January 03, 2016

I am a great fan of Italian Food and I do a lot of baking at home. Unfortunately, I don't find much time to share it with my readers. But this year, I have tighten my seat belt and took a resolution that I will share at least 100 recipes in year 2016. So, here is my first recipe of this year.

Focaccia with fried onion and tomato recipe - Its been said that Italians can't let a day go by without bread and I want to take it further by saying, Italians can't function without bread. Somewhere I read, before italians invented regular breads one smart baker invented Focaccia and this bread became a great hit. Reason, this bread is very easy to make and very tasty on your taste buds.

Now, before you go ahead just wanted to let you guys know that preparation time of this bread is very less. But Proving time which is nothing but resting of dough is nearly 3 hours. So, keep this in mind before going ahead.

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:

Yield: Serves 6

For Bread Topping:
2 sliced onions (प्याज)
2 medium sliced tomatoes (टमाटर)
1 tbsp dried thyme (थाइमस)
1 tbsp dried oregano (ओरेगानो)
1 tbsp dried chilli flakes (सुखी लाल मिर्च)
1 tsp honey (शहद)
1 tbsp oil (तेल)
1 tsp white vinegar (सीरका)

For Bread Dough:
7 g yeast (खमीर)
380 ml water (पानी)
2 tsp honey (शहद)
3 1/3 cup (500 g) plain flour, (मैदा)
2 tbsp oil (तेल)
salt, to taste (नमक)

Method :
To make the dough:
1. Dissolve the yeast in the water, add the honey and mix well and stand for 5-10 minutes (until mixture becomes frothy).
2. Put the flour in a large mixing bowl, pour in the yeast liquid and start mixing with a wooden spoon.
3. Add oil and salt, then tip the dough onto a floured cooking board and knead for 8–10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and shiny. (If you have a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, you can let your appliance do the work for you in half the time.)

Whichever method you use, the dough should feel slightly sticky. If it seems way too wet, add 1 tablespoon flour. Likewise, if it’s too dry, add a little olive oil or water. All flours tend to vary slightly, even within the same brand, and you have to let your instinct guide you.

4. Shape the dough into a ball, then cover it with a moist towel and rest for 20 minutes. After this time, you will notice the dough has become shiny and elastic.
5. Stretch it with your hands to form a rectangle, then fold it into three and shape it into a ball. Place the ball in an oiled bowl, cover with a moist towel and leave to prove for 1½–2 hours or until the dough has doubled in size.
6. Take the dough out of the bowl, flatten it gently with your hands and fold into three again. Rest the dough in a well-oiled baking dish (about 20 cm x 30 cm) for 1 hour or until airy, puffy and risen by one third.
7. Using your fingers, gently push the dough to cover the baking dish, then dimple the surface with fingerprints.

Prepare onion topping:
8. Meanwhile, prepare the onion. Heat the olive oil in a large heavy-based saucepan over medium–high heat.
9. Add the onion, thyme, oregano, chilli flakes and a pinch of salt, then reduce the heat to medium–low and cook for 8–10 minutes, stirring gently, until the onion is soft and translucent.
10. Now add tomato, honey and vinegar and cook for another 2–3 minutes, then cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
11. Set aside.

Baking your bread:
12. Preheat your oven to 200°C if using conventional oven (180°C fan-forced / convection mode).
13. Spoon the stewed onion over the focaccia and bake for 20–25 minutes or until golden and puffy.

Chef's Tip:
1. Oven temperatures are for conventional; if using fan-forced (convection), reduce the temperature by 20˚C.

2/Post a Comment/Comments

  1. I am going to try this recipe, very well described steps. And picture simply looks lip smacking.

    1. Thanks Bindu, do let us know how it went.


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