Yellow Moong Dal Salad (मुंग दाल सलाड)

Yellow Moong Dal Salad (मूंग दाल सलाड)
by , Published: January 20, 2014

A chilled protein rich salad which can be consumed during dieting or as an accompaniment with your lunch or dinner meal.

Soaking time: 2 hours
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:

Yield: Serves 4

1 cup soaked yellow moong dal (पीलि मुंग दाल)
1/2 cup grated carrot (गाजर)
1/2 cup grated cucumber (ककडी)
1/2 inch grated ginger (अदरक)
1/4 cup grated coconut (नारियल)
2 choppedgreen chillies (हरि मिर्चि)
2 tbsp lemon juice (नीबु का रस)
salt , to taste (नमक)

Method :
1. Mix all ingredients and serve chilled.

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