Paneer Khurchan (पनीर खुर्चन)

Paneer Khurchan (पनीर खुर्चन)
by , Published: December 24, 2013

Another delicious Paneer (cottage cheese) dish blended with the flavour of Nigella seeds, cream and butter. This dish is having Mughlai texture and looks very rich when served on table. Not only appearance of this dish makes people go grazy but it also blows your tastebuds away.

Don't believe it? Try it and share with us what you think on this dish in comments section.

Prep time:
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Yield: Serves 4

250 gm cottage cheese (पनीर)
2 tbsp Oil (तेल)
40 gm butter (मक्खन)
1 tsp Nigella seeds (कलोंजी)
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste (अदरक लेहसुन की पेस्ट)
1 chopped tomato (टमाटर)
1/4 cup hung curd (दही)
1/2 cup cashew nut pste (काजु की पेस्ट)
3 tbsp cheese (चीझ)
2 tbsp double cream (क्रीम)
2-3 chopped green chillies (हरी मीर्च)
1 tsp cumin seeds (जीरा)
2-3 chopped onions (प्याज)
2 tsp chopped ginger (अदरक)
salt , to taste (नमक)
white pepper powder , to taste (नमक)

Method :
1. Cut paneer (cottage cheese) into cubes.
2. Heat oil in a handi; add jeera and kalaunji (nigella seeds) and temper.
3. Add ginger garlic paste and saute. Add chopped onions and green chillies and saute till golden, add the tomatoes and make a thick gravy.
4. Add curd and cook again for 2 minutes.
5. Add cashew nut paste and cook till oil begins to float on top of the gravy.
6. Add paneer cubes and cook adding little water if required.
7. Add seasonings, pieces of butter and double cream.
8. Serve hot with Roti (Indian bread) or Jeera Rice.

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