Garlic Pickle
Ingredients :
1 kg garlic
500 ml gingelly oil
30 nos lime fruits
30 gms coriander seeds
10 gms fenugreek (vendhayam in Tamil)
10 gms jeera
10 gms asafoetida
100 gms chilli powder
100 gms salt powder
100 gms jaggery (powdered)
10 gms turmeric powder
10 gms mustard
Method :
1. Fry coriander seeds, fenugreek, jeera and asafoetida in a pan without adding oil till it turns brown in colour.
2. Grind them in a mixie nicely. This is "Masala Powder".
3. Cut the lime fruits, extract the juice, filter and keep it.
4. Add a pinch of salt to this so that it may not turn bitter.
5. Heat the gingelly oil in a thick pan. Add mustard.
6. After it splutters, add the peeled garlic. When it becomes one-fourth cooked add lime juice.
7. When the garlic becomes half cooked, add chilli powder, masala powder and salt powder and turmeric powder.
8. When it becomes three fourths cooked, add the powdered jaggery and keep it in the stove for 5 to 10 minutes.
9. Allow it to cool and store in bottles.