Italian Pizza sauce

500g Tomatoes (pureed)
3 tbsp Tomato sauce
1 tsp Red chilly sauce
4 tbsp Onion paste
1 tsp Garlic paste
1 tbsp Oil/Butter
1/2 tsp Oregano (crushed leaves of ajwain plant)
1 tsp Sugar (optional)
1 tsp Red chilly powder
Salt, pepper, coriander powder - to taste

Sieve the tomato puree to remove seeds and peel.
Heat oil or butter in a skillet over medium to medium high heat.
Add onion paste and saute until the onions begin to sweat. Do not brown.
Add the garlic paste and stir once.
Add water, tomato sauce, chilly sauce and bring to boil.
Add tomato puree and simmer.
Add salt, pepper and coriander powder.
Mix and cook till saucy consistency.
Remove from heat and add oregano.

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