Vegetable Oats Upma recipe (ओट्स ऊप्मा)

Vegetable Oats Upma recipe (ओट्स ऊप्मा)
by , Published: February 02, 2014

Oats Upma recipe is a fusion to our traditional Rawa Upma. This recipe suddenly came to my mind when my wife offered me Upma as a morning breakfast. Usually I dont have much energy during mornings to Cook and click pictures of my recipe, but today was a little different engergetic day.

So here goes my fusion of Traditional Upma recipe to an all new Oats Upma recipe with lots of vegetables to pour in.

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:

Yield: Serves 4

1 cup Rolled Oats (ओट्स)
1/4 cup Semolina (रवा)
1 chopped onions (प्याज)
1 capsicum (शीम्ला मीर्च)
1/4 cup sweet corn kernels) (मीठे भुट्टे के दाने)
1/4 cup grean peas (हरी मटर)
1 carrots (गाजर)
2 green chillies (हरी मीर्च)
1 tbsp Oil (तेल)
1/2 tsp Mustard Seeds (राय)
1/2 cup salt , to taste (नमक)

Method :
1. Chop vegetables and onion finely.
2. Dry roast rolled oats and semolina (rawa) until light brown in colour. Keep it aside.

3. In the same pan heat oil and temper with mustard seeds. Then add onions and fry until transparent.

4. Add vegetables, green chillies fry in medium flame for 2-3 minutes. (If you like add a little salt just for the veggies.) Dont saute vegetables too much if you like nutty vegetables as I do.
5. Add the oats and rawa mixture, salt and mix well for a minute.
6. Add 1/4 cup warm water and mix well and cook covered for 2 minutes.
7. Later again sprinkle the remaining water and mix well and cook covered for another 2 minutes.
8. Serve it hot with a Smiley face and I am damn sure your kids and husband will ask you again and again to cook it.

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  1. Thanks Mehak. Do post your review in comments for this recipe.


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