Lauki Cheese Kofta (Bottle Gourd Cheese Kofta)

Lauki Cheese Kofta (Bottle Gourd Cheese Kofta)
by , Published: June 11, 2013

"I am basically a Kofta Lover. Pretty much all types of Koftas, I have been trying since so many days. Lauki Kofta was in my mind since many days, but I finally got chance to experiment something non-traditional. Actual recipe of Lauki Kofta Curry is having Dried Plums instead of Cheese Cubes which I used in this recipe. Unfortuantely, I was not having Aloo Bukaras (so called Dried Plums) in my kitchen so I experimented with Cheese.

Lauki Cheese Kofta is blended with Lauki (Bottle Gourd) in large proportion, Potatoes and Cheese which melts in your mouth or in your plate when you have it with Hot Chapathi or Naan. So, here goes my variation of Lauki Cheese Kofta aka Lauki Koft Curry. "

Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Yield: Serves 4

300 gms tender bottle gourd, peeled and grated (लौकी)
1 potato, boiled and grated (आलू)
2 green chillies , deseeded and chopped (हरी मीर्च)
2 sliced breads, sides removed and crumbled to form bread crumbs (ब्रेड क्र्म्ब्स)
salt to taste (नमक)
1/2 tsp red chilli powder (लाल मीर्च)
1/2 tsp amchoor (आम्चूर)
1/2 tsp garam masala (गरम मसाला)
1 Cheese Cube, cut into small pieces (चीज़ क्युब्स)

For Paste
2 onions (प्याज)
2 red tomatoes (ट्माटर)
3 green chilies (हरी मीर्च)
3 flakes garlic (लेह्सून की कलिया)
1" piece ginger (अदरक)

For Gravy
3 tbsp oil (तेल)
2 cloves (लौंग)
1 stick cinnamon , broken in to 2-3 pieces (दालचीनी)
1/2 tsp haldi (हल्दी)
1/2 red chili powder (लाल मीर्च)
1/4 tsp amchoor (आमचूर)
1/2 tsp garam masala (गरम मसाला)
2 tsp coriander powder (धनीया पाव्डर)
2 tbsp coriander leaves (हरा धनीया)
salt to taste (नमक)

Method :
1. Grate Bottle Gourd finely. Squeeze it. Mix all ingredients given under the koftas in a paraat (bowl).
2. Knead the mixture well for 4-5 minutes till well blended.
3. Form in to lemon sized balls. Insert small Cheeze Cubes. Shape in to ball again.
4. Heat oil to deep fry the balls. Add 3-4 balls and carefully fry them on a medium flame till they turn brown and get cooked from inside.
5. To prepare the gravy, grind together onions, tomatoes, green chilies, garlic and ginger to paste.
6. Heat 3 tbsp oil in a pan and fry dalchini (cinnamon) and laung (cloves) for a few seconds.
7. Add the onion and tomato paste. Cook till dry.
8. Add all the dry masalas. Stir fry for 4-5 min. till thick.
9. Add 2 cups water to get a thin gravy. Boil. Add salt and coriander leaves.
10. Simmer on low flame for 5-6 min. keep aside till serving time.
11. At serving time, boil gravy. Add koftas.
12. For Serving 2-3 balls with Gravy.

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